Book: Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism
Decoding the Digital Landscape: Media Literacy for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Carla Sousa – Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal [ORCID:]
In the present-day context, media literacy assumes significant importance due to the growing integration of digital media into our everyday existence. Given the inherent vulnerabilities of certain audiences, it is imperative to emphasise the significance of taking action to address their specific accessibility requirements and literacy needs. The objective of this chapter was to provide a conceptual framework that delineates the primary needs and characteristics of individuals in the autism spectrum and establish connections between these attributes and the contemporary notion of “media literacy”. Through this mapping, it was possible to identify and critically explore a set of opportunities for neurodiversity-driven media education, including: (1) promoting authentic representations; (2) enhancing empathic media literacy; (3) foster neurodivergent talent in media production; and (4) advancing social advocacy through media. These pillars also intend to emphasize priorities for the forthcoming research endeavours in the topic.
Keywords: Media Literacy; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Neurodiversity; Accessibility; Empathic Media Education
Cite as: Sousa, C. (2023). Decoding the Digital Landscape: Media Literacy for Autism Spectrum Disorder. In C. Sousa, & A.H. Tkaczyk (Eds.), Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism (pp. 8-19). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.