Book: Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism
The Potential Role of TEACCH and PECS for Secondary Education with a Special Focus on Literacy
Ewa Litwinczuk – Szkola Podstawowa Nr 11 Z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi Im. Kornela Makuszynskiego, Białystok, Poland
Carla Sousa – Lusófona University, CICANT, Portugal [ORCID:]
This chapter emerges from the ASDigital project and offers innovative insights, from a partnership between the views of a practicioner and scholar knowledge. Focusing on Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication-Hazardous Children (TEACCH) and Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), the chapter provides practical guidance for professionals in fostering literacy skills in secondary education students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), with an emphasizes on digital competences. The reflection provided in this study explores how both approaches offer structured, visually supported learning environments, benefiting those with autism or communication diversity who struggle with traditional methods. Therefore, it explores how these visual supports can also extend to digital literacy, facilitating communication, social skills, and familiarity with digital symbols. The chapter’s insights, also intend to open avenues for future research, through the generation of empirical data for the further validation of these premises.
Keywords: Autism; TEACCH; PECS; Secondary Education; Literacy
Cite as: Litwinczuk, E., & Sousa, C. (2023). The Potential Role of TEACCH and PECS for Secondary Education Students with a Focus on Literacy. In C. Sousa, & A.H. Tkaczyk (Eds.), Media Literacy and Assistive Technologies for Empowerment in Autism (pp. 20-32). Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.